Thursday Jul 02, 2020
"Get to Yes Energy" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #234
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
"Get to Yes Energy" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #234
In this visualization get back into a time when life was saying yes to you, tune into the energy of yes and let it run through your entire being. Be a yes to something today, and allow someone else to be a yes with you.
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
"Healing the Whole Body of Fear" Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #233
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
"Healing the Whole Body of Fear"
Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #233
This is a whole self healing meditation from earth to heaven. Relax and let go of the fear you may have inadvertently borrowed from the collective consciousness and unconsciousness. Connect to source for healing. Release the others who have jumped into your space. It's time. This is a meditation podcast, so go into a place of quiet to listen!
Thursday May 14, 2020
Thursday May 14, 2020
"Free Yourself from Energy Vampires" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #232
This is a meditation to free yourself from energy vampires. Are other people's thoughts, feelings and emotions clogging up your energy? Do you find yourself stuck in loops of nonproductive communications with others? In this meditation, we're going to release stuck energy of others that may have gotten into your chakras. We clear second through crown chakra of other people's stuff. This is a good one!
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
"Job Getting Meditation for Job Searchers" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #231
In this meditation podcast episode, job searchers can listen to release blockages to finding new jobs. We look at resistance to opportunities, and a thermometer tool to assess readiness to get a job is introduced. This is for you if you would like to get a job, about now. #jobsearching
Today's show has a marvelous sponsor, MrPeabodysStoneCare.com. Terry Peabody is the GOAT for marble and stone clearing, cleaning and polishing. Plus he is a friend.
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
"Connect to Source, Clear the Crown Chakra" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #230
In this episode, clear out blockages that are keeping you from knowing your soul purpose. This time in our history, connectivity to source and clearing the crown chakra can give you a new ease with your intuition. Reprise from summer.
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
"How to Clear Other People's Negative Energy" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #229 Most of the feelings and emotions we experience don't even belong to us! If you're in a good place and then suddenly find yourself absorbing fear-based and confusion-based sensations, you may not be able to function as highly as you could normally. It's so easy to drop into lower consciousness right now! Here's a meditation to help you clear out those emotions that aren't possibly even truly yours!
For an explanation of the tool "who does this belong to," look for AccessConsciousness.com as one resource and the "The Misfit Squad Podcast" for more inspiration and tools to stay clear.
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
"Get Your Energy Back" Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #228
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
"Get Your Energy Back" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Podcast #228
When you express emotion you can leave bits of chi all over the place. Today it's all about getting your chi back on the Energy Clearing for Life Force podcast. Recognize that you are precious. Your energy matters. You sometimes leave it all over the place and forget how insanely amazing you are. As you surround yourself with people who have a strong life force, yours will increase. Plus, today, treat yourself well. Do something special for you.
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
"Guided Journey to Having More, Invitation to Abundance" on Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast #227
In this guided meditation, go into the experience of yourself having what you've been asking to experience in your life. Travel within to experience more abundance in your physical experience. This is a joyful guided meditation for health, wellness, wellbeing and joy. Let go of lack! It was never your friend!
Today's episode was sponsored by SEOforLeadGen.com, an SEO company dedicated to providing SEO and keyword strategy so your business can be seen and heard and generate ample leads to thrive.
Energy Clearing for Life Force Meditation Podcast
Airing on Sundays